Friday, December 16, 2011

The Commandments of Rachel

Everyone has their own code. (Although I sometimes wonder about some people.) This is mostly a joke, but here are my personal commandments from myself to myself.

No. 1 If you don't want to do it, don't do it.

No. 2 If you don't want to do it, consider whether there is a good reason to override No. 1. For example: You're being paid. It's the right thing to do. You'll be glad later you got it done now. Etc. Peer pressure is not a good reason.

No. 3 Don't lie. Tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

No. 4 You're responsible for yourself. No one else is. Let other people be responsible for themselves.

No. 5 You said you'd do it, so do it! If you aren't going to keep your commitments, don't make them in the first place.

No. 6 Be nice. It costs nothing and pays excellent dividends.

No. 7 Stand up for people who need a friend. Bullying, sniping, and gossiping are Not Cool.

No. 8 You always have time to read.

No. 9 If you don't know, say so. It saves time and embarrassment later on.

No. 10 Be grateful. Blessings accumulate when you count them.

No. 11 Don't panic. Seriously. It's unhelpful. And annoying.

No. 12 Have fun. It takes just as much effort as being miserable, but the consequences are more enjoyable.

No. 13 Stand your ground. Finish what you start.

No. 14 Move with confidence. Watch people get out of the way. It's fun AND it really moves grocery shopping along when you don't keep stopping for people to decide whether they'll move their cart out of the way.

No. 15 Don't speed. If you crashed into a minivan and killed a soccer mom and her kids, wouldn't you feel absolutely awful? Wouldn't it feel worse if you knew you were going ten miles over the limit and maybe if you hadn't been there would have been time to stop? Besides, you can't afford a ticket.

Well, this turned out more serious than I expected it to be. I would tweak it to be more funny, but actually I feel pretty strongly about all of these.

Particularly No. 11. Hysterics, even when it's an actor acting hysterical on a tv show, drive me up the wall. And if more teenagers followed No. 1, there would be a lot less problems with drug use, teenage pregnancy, cheating, and so on. And there's always time to read! If you have time to eat, you have time to read. And No. 2 is bang on- life sometimes requires doing what you would rather not. Like homework.

What are your commandments from yourself to yourself?


CourtneyB said...

Ooh! I love these! Love, love, love. I'll have to think about what mine would be. (And remind me never to get in front of you when you're armed with a shopping cart!!!)

Brenda said...

You missed the most important one! Always, always, obey your mother. Of course!